WHO ARE WE?picto_bulles_who


We develop an original economic project with a social utility, using a transparent and a democratic management. We are sensible to social and environmental impacts of our activity and we use the best practices to improve our company and to protect the environment. We have bet to reconcile social equity, economic efficiency, solidarity and environmental protection.


Le Cart is strongly committing in a sustainable development initiative in order to limit our activity impact on the environment in order to protect the planet for future generations . The aim of our commitment is also to encourage people to modify their behavior by instilling good habits. It is with this ethic of long-lasting tourism that we obtained in 2012 THE EUROPEAN ECO-LABEL.


A whole state of mind, Le Cart is an official member of the Ethic Etapes network promoting the best-quality accommodations on the whole territory. Unity and responsible spirit which unites all the centers. The encounters, the exchanges, the mixing and social diversity are our principle of action. Ethic étape is essentially the ambition to provide for strong values, another type of tourism opened to the others and to the territories.

A professional staff

A professional team

committed in its mission.

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